Это сборник цитат из порно, хентая, всяких рассказов и комментариев к картинкам. Изначально он создавался как сборник описаний тэгов с Данбоору, но в итоге стал очень медленно пополняться прочими интересными фразами.
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The state of being nude or mostly nude (no covering of the breasts or genitals) in or at a public location or event where one can be seen by others. This is in contrast to nudity in areas that are not generally accessible to the general public without prior permission.
Willing public nudity is often termed exhibitionism. Non-willing female public nudity is termed ENF (embarassed nude female) by some.
Look at my wedding ring!
Yeah, I just reblog your porn and sexy pictures. No need to tell you what else I do with it, though.
If I might paraphrase another Jedi: «Desire leads to arousal; Arousal leads to lust; Lust leads to fucking.»
A «sling bikini», also known as a «slingshot swimsuit,» is actually a type of one-piece swimsuit that stretches from the crotch, separates to cover the nipples, reaches to the shoulders and across the back. It can be best described as a thong that goes over the shoulders, providing minimal coverage to the wearer. A common gag is that the straps fail to completely cover the nipples.
If you can't make it awesome, just make it anal.
I feel like this is the mantra of the porn industry lately. I never thought I'd be so bored of seeing anal sex.
Would love to wrap those panties around my cock and jack off on that ass.
Peace, sun and semen! ^_^v
I was out this afternoon with my flat mate and we were walking through the park which had some toilets. As ever, she needed to use the toilet and instead of waiting for her, I decided to take a leek myself.
When I went into the cubicle, I saw this glory hole with loads of small holes in the divider between the cubicle.
As I finished my leek, some guy put his finger through the glory hole. I am not sure what he wanted, me to suck him or for him to suck me. If it was a unisex toilet (like the ones you sometimes see in McDonald's these days), I might have thought about it. But I was a little scared and not sure of it....
I never thought glory holes actually existed in public toilets. Anyway, this is in London Fields toilets (East London), close to Liverpool Street/Old Street/Bethnal Green.
In this type of foursome, often three, or more, males have sex with one female. This is called a gangbang. A favorite activity in this form of gangbang is when sexual intercourse and anal sex are performed on the woman by two men in a double penetration, while the woman gives the third man a blow job.
This bottomless girl has a neatly manicured «landing strip», which is not permitted by the Dress Code. During an inspection this girl would be stripped, and then depending on the mood of the inspector she might be forced to masturbate to the point of wetness and then repeatedly raped (although the rape would be viewed as «consensual» because she would be deemed «asking for it» on account of having a wet pussy).
Recommendation: if you enjoy going topless and you already have your nipples pierced, then put rings in them and go topless to the Administration Office during the first two weeks of school to request an exemption. If you are thinking about having a piercing done, then keep in mind that rings must be worn in your new piercings for at least a month while they heal. You should be prepared to remain topless for that length of time if you have your nipples done, and you should expect to remain bottomless (except for a baby-doll dress) if you have your pussy pierced. If you have both your pussy and your nipples done, then you can wear body paint instead of clothing during the first month.
Recommendation: If you're using the toilet, and one of your classmates swipes your clothes as a prank, remain on the toilet to avoid a Violation. Getting off the toilet and running after your classmate in the hope of recovering your clothes is not allowed. If you should become embarrassed while sitting on the toilet, try to avoid allowing your nipples to become hard, and keep your vagina dry.
Typically worn to hold up pants or a skirt, suspenders can also serve as a top if they are wide enough to cover the nipples. The areolas need not be covered.
Suspenders are a «top».
Recommendation: Be careful not to violate the rule against wearing two tops. If you wear suspenders, you should not wear anything else that covers your breasts. Suspenders and miniskirt are one of the sexiest outfits you can wear, but one of the trickier ones, for a number of reasons. If your nipples become hard due to excitement or cold temperatures, they could push thin suspender strops to the side, exposing the nipple to view, a Violation. If you wear suspenders with a skirt, and you set them too tight, the skirt might ride up, exposing your vulva to view, another Violation, but if they are too loose, they might not cover your nipples at all times.
My stories center around Crysta and Donna, two college freshmen alone together in a co-ed dorm, finally free from stifling rules. Voluptuous Crysta, a nudist at heart, is now free to wear as little clothing as she can get away with (she threw all her panties her mother had packed into the trash on the first day), and Donna's main goal is to be more like Crysta. Donna seems never able to free herself from
Sexy college coeds dare to flash, strip, and even reach orgasm in public, risking humiliation, danger, and excitement